Customize Real Estate Leads

Customized Real Estate Leads

We work with each customer individually to assess their specific needs and help them develop their actual target market. Get customized real estate data at lightning speed.

Off-Market Real Estate Leads?

You can customize real estate leads to your specifications. We offer Absentee Homeowners, Cash Home Buyers, Tax Lates, Distressed Home Owners, and Reverse Mortgage Real Estate Prospects. Our data is always fresh—daily data delivery is available in most states.

Marketing Dollars

Marketing is your first important step. To put it another way, "The early bird gets the worm" and "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" are crucial to success. For this reason, I would like to point out that finding the owner or person who can execute a deed is the goal. As an illustration, you can start with a unique 4-6 week mailing campaign. Also, handwritten letters with colored envelopes and distinctive markings are proven methods. Technology has arrived, and postcards with pictures imprinted with real estate are a fast and exceptionally effective way to communicate your intentions.

Point Often Overlooked

People change addresses over time. In general, there are challenges with databases and correct information. For this reason, marketing should include working the returned mail. Additionally, skip tracing can broaden your search criteria and give you more information. Sort out address issues and phone numbers. For example, if John Doe has three addresses, could you mail them all? Also, it's recommended that you wait to call the heirs. Specifically, a high percentage of family members are grieving. In other words, What works for you depends on the demographics of your location and other factors, including personal preferences—starting your marketing with legitimate websites like

New to Real Estate Investing

It is essential to understand that real estate is competitive with seasoned investors. Are you changing your career? Are you a newbie? Do you have a Mentor, coach, or Trainer? Are you ready to find real estate with equity? If yes, you have come to where many have arrived and are now successful real estate investors.


A point often overlooked is networking. To begin with, Investors and others in the real estate profession attend real estate meetups and clubs—an excellent resource for lining up Financing, contractors, and Realtors for your flip. Meet our staff and customers at a National Real Estate Investors Association (REIA) event near you.

Well-Versed Team

Buying the right product is crucial when purchasing Off-the-Retail-Grid-Real Estate leads based on your preferences and what works best for you. On the positive side, our staff has decades of experience in the real estate industry. Coupled with our highly skilled professionals, we are committed to providing unparalleled personalized services of high quality to all our customers.