Lis-Pendens Leads
What are Lis-Pendens leads?
Lis-Pendens Leads are Foreclosures are associated with borrowers who fail to repay the loan amount to the lender. In the context of real estate, foreclosures happen when the owner of a property default on mortgage payments as a result of which the lender files a Lis Pendens. In such circumstances, where the owner has no other means to repay the due amount, three things are possible. The homeowner still has possession and the right to sell or refinance the property. This represents a tremendous opportunity for home buyers and investors to make money in the real estate market. As a matter of fact, states that require judicial foreclosure actions, lenders traditionally file a lis pendens to foreclose on a mortgage or deed-of-trust loan that is in default.
Lis pendens leads are valuable data for a buyer or investor
In the first place, depending on the information, the buyer or investor can contact and counsel an owner who has been served a Lis Pendens in the pre-foreclosure period. This is beneficial in two ways. Equally important It gives you a fair chance for the distressed homeowner to sell off his property and arrange for funds with facing foreclosure. Lis pendens real estate leads are excellent opportunity to the buyer or the investor to strike gold.
Furthermore Lis-Pendens leads are available nationwide. If your in AZ, CA, FL, GA, PA, TX, VA, and most nationwide states. Detailed information of the property owner, lender, address, brief description of the property, sale amount, sale date and other relevant details. Furthermore information is generally obtained from public records, the website of the county clerk and other such reliable sources.